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Research priority

Green SSH-research

Research priority

Green SSH-research

Green Societies will contribute to creating a clear SSH profile in the field of climate and environmental sustainability, as well as the green transition from a social science and humanities perspective. The focus area will also support talent development, feedback and knowledge sharing across the faculty's research environments. Furthermore, the signature will focus on outreach activities with both national and international organisations, research communities, external partners and clusters. If you have an idea for a collaboration with us, or if you are a journalist and need a researcher to comment on our research area, you are very welcome to contact us.


Become a member

Are you an SSH-researcher working with environmental sustainability, green transition or climate change at Aalborg University? Then we would like to invite you to become a member of the hub. As a member of Green Societies you will be updated on our activities, invited to our events, displayed on this page, and much more. Contact lenelyan@adm.aau.dk to become a member or to hear more about the benefits.

Project management


Green Societies


Green Societies


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