Interdisciplinary bubble projects

Interdisciplinary bubble projects

By Susanne Clement Justesen, SSH Dean’s secretariat
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities wishes to create new synergies at the faculty, stimulate emerging collaborations between SSH and external stakeholders, address societal challenges, and contribute to research funding. Therefore, the faculty management team chose to provide support for several start-up projects.
The project was named "bubble projects" because the projects were to be based on new interdisciplinary ideas involving researchers from at least two SSH departments. Also, the projects could focus on both basic and applied research. 20 project applications were submitted, of which 11 were selected.
In the best interests of the child? Care, relations and solidarity with children and families in social work
Capacity Building og læringspraksis i ældreplejen
Can liberal democracies solve climate change?
Responsibility-sharing in the context of global displacement: what have we learned so far? A comparative inquiry looking at Syrian and Ukrainian displacement waves
Sustainable consumption by young people in a digital everyday life
Social Sciences and Humanities in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway - Past, Present and (possible) Futures
Abortion in the Danish Kingdom
Waiting in the welfare state
Sharing, negotiation and formation of knowledge in the green energy transition
Punitive Turn, Danish Style
Biosociality and more-than-human relations in the Digital Anthropocene Or: Approaching interspecies behaviour/agency, affect/emotions, and intelligence in the Digital Anthropocene
According to vice-dean for external collaboration Anette Therkelsen, it is also positive that the research ideas are based on external collaboration networks; this ensures that the initiatives are relevant to society and at the same time closely connected to international research.
In the first quarter of 2023, we will compile a summary of all activities in the bubble projects.
The 11 bubble projects were selected by an assessment group whose members are vice-dean for research Søren Kristiansen, vice-dean for external relations Annette Therkelsen, professor Dorte Caswell, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Professor Jacob Brix, Aalborg University Business School and Professor Pirkko Liisa Raudaskoski, Department of Communication and Psychology.
If you have any questions regarding SSH's bubble projects, feel free to contact
Martine Kaalund Duun